Bazaar still below the radar when evaluating VCS tools

Óscar Fuentes ofv at
Sat Feb 27 01:35:49 GMT 2010

Andrew SB <a.starr.b at> writes:

> To satisfy my own curiosity, here's some throughly un-scientific numbers:
> andrew at andrew-testing:~/Desktop$ time bzr branch lp:emacs
> Branched 99564 revision(s).
> real	21m58.452s
> user	14m42.107s
> sys	0m18.005s

Please note that unless you logged-in to Launchpad with `bzr lp-login'
you will be using the http protocol instead of the more efficient
`bzr+ssh'. For pulling the Emacs trunk, http to Savannah takes three
times longer than bzr+ssh to Launchpad.

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