Bazaar still below the radar when evaluating VCS tools

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Fri Feb 26 06:47:00 GMT 2010

Joke de Buhr <joke at> writes:

> It doesn't cover darcs, fossil, monotone and svk either.

Right. But those are both less mature (in terms of feature set and
supported workflows) and far less popular (in terms of projects and
organisations using them) than the top three.

The problem is not so much “our favourite VCS isn't being mentioned,
let's have a whinge”.

Rather, the problem is “Bazaar is getting far less recognition and
critical evaluation than seems warranted by its fitness for task,
maturity, and user satisfaction. What's the cause, and what specifically
needs to be done to rectify it?”

 \            “The whole area of [treating source code as intellectual |
  `\    property] is almost assuring a customer that you are not going |
_o__)               to do any innovation in the future.” —Gary Barnett |
Ben Finney

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