Bazaar GUI Branch Diff

A. S. Budden abudden at
Thu Feb 25 15:44:30 GMT 2010

Dear all,

Is there an easy way to perform a qdiff on two related branches in
Bazaar Explorer?

In a repository F:/VCS/MyProject/ we have two branches "trunk" and
"feature-abc".  "feature-abc" was created by using qswitch (with the
"create branch when switching" option set) from a heavyweight checkout
of the trunk.  This was carried out by another developer on the team
and I needed to review the changes prior to merging back into the

I tried opening F:/VCS/MyProject/feature-abc and it opened up a view
of the repository with a split window at the bottom saying 'Not a
branch: "C:/workspace/myproject/"'.  This is presumably due to but knowing that doesn't
help me much!  The only way I've found to do this is to open a command
prompt and enter:

    bzr qdiff --new=F:/VCS/MyProject/feature-abc F:/VCS/MyProject/trunk

It would be really nice if there was a GUI way to do this, something
like start qdiff and then have a dialog box asking for the locations
of the two branches to diff.

Does anyone have any suggestions of how I should be doing this?

Many thanks in advance,


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