Bazaar still below the radar when evaluating VCS tools

Joke de Buhr joke at
Mon Feb 22 23:21:25 GMT 2010

On Sonntag 21 Februar 2010 15:34:53 Gordon Tyler wrote:
> On 2/21/2010 8:46 AM, Ali Sabil wrote:
> > Because launchpad is too powerful :) it is also project centric,
> > whereas github and bitbucket are user centric. Building something like
> > github or bitbucket for bzr could still use launchpad as its backend,
> > it would be just a social interface to launchpad.
> I see what you mean. Launchpad does have its user-specific +junk
> branches, but they are somewhat of a second class citizen.

GitHub has support for cheap ($7/month) private repositories. Low priced none-
public repositories may be something people may appreciate for individual 
projects which are not supposed to go public.

These people may want to pay a small fee for a central internet host with a 
graphical interface for their private bazaar projects. It may serve as a kind 
of certral web-backup with webinterface.

Launchpad doesn't offer this kind of service as far as I know. Only commercial 
hosting of whole projects is supported.
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