Bazaar still below the radar when evaluating VCS tools

Eugene Wee crystalrecursion at
Mon Feb 22 18:14:45 GMT 2010


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 1:37 AM, Eric Berry <elberry at> wrote:
> In the spirit of getting the word out. Is there a Bazaar Facebook Group, or
> Twitter page?
> I'd love to follow you folks, and Bazaar's progress, and show my support by
> joining.

I cannot find anything for Bazaar on Facebook beyond the various other
things named "bazaar". A Facebook page might be more appropriate than
a group, and I would volunteer to create one except that it requires
an official representative. Oh, and I notice that Mercurial has a
Facebook page, but it has a very unimpressive number of fans, so the
effort, while minimal, might not bear much fruit.

Eugene Wee

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