Some questions on internals

John Arbash Meinel john at
Fri Feb 19 19:15:12 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1


> But I run into trouble when I want to relate the comments made on that
> initial branch (3.1) with the same code merge on 3.2 or later. So I have
> a few questions:
> 1. It is important to track renames. Is it possible to get the diff
> command to output the file ID of the files it shows in the output? This
> would allow me to easily find a renamed file in another branch. If not-
> is there a way to translate file id -> filename and vice versa?

bzr inventory --show-ids

Is probably the easiest way from the command line. There is a lot more
you can do if you go for bzrlib access.

> 2. I am afraid the answer is no- but.... Is there any way to relate the
> chunks of the delta caused in 3.2 with the related chunks in the delta
> to 3.1 (the initial fix merge)? Especially considering the possibility
> that merge conflicts on 3.2 would cause (small) changes in the merge
> there?
> Thanks for your time,
> Frits Jalvingh

'bzr annotate' is probably the best way. It won't annotate the delta
itself, but it can annotate the lines of the whole file, and then you
can apply that to the diff lines.

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