Bazaar 2.1.0 Mac OS X 10.6 installer uploaded

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at
Thu Feb 18 23:05:58 GMT 2010

Gordon Tyler wrote:
> I've uploaded the Bazaar 2.1.0 Mac OS X 10.6 installer to the bzr 2.1.0
> release page:
> The installer now comes in a disk image with the English documentation
> bundled alongside it. The installer also now includes the QtCore and
> QtGui libraries required by qbzr and bzr-explorer, so it is no longer
> necessary to download and install the Qt framework separately. The
> installer also now has a conclusion page after the installation has
> finished with a brief description of how to use bzr and bzr-explorer.

Excellent. Well done!

Ian C.

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