Bazaar 2.1.0 has gone gold

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Feb 18 11:45:48 GMT 2010

Andrew Bennetts пишет:
> Ian Clatworthy wrote:
>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> It is my summary blurb for the 2.1 release. If you don't want to include
>>> the ~100 bugfixes, then I don't know that there is a lot more to say.
>>> You certainly can go into details about the individual features, but
>>> your whole point was that you wanted a summary of the primary
>>> differences between 2.1.0 and 2.0(.4).
>> I thought your summary was a good start. It's hard getting the balance
>> right between a paragraph and 20 pages. :-)
>> I've taken a crack at expanding what you wrote. See attached. It needs a
>> few more links but I'm otherwise happy with it. If this looks OK, I'll
>> submit a MP adding this as a section into NEWS.
>> First off though, I'd like some feedback from potential readers of
>> this material. If your team was going to upgrade to 2.1, does this
>> document meet your needs wrt understanding What's New?
> I really like this text, but I'm not sure if it's a good fit for the
> NEWS file.
> Perhaps we should do it the way Python does it?
> Python has a NEWS file (which they keep in Misc/NEWS), which looks quite
> a lot like our NEWS file: a list of terse bullet points describing every
> non-trivial change, categorised into a few major sections.  Each bullet
> usually has a bug number, and often credits the contributor by name.
> This is very very similar to our NEWS file.  (So similar that I'm going
> to use it as a use-case for guiding enhancements to the news_merge
> plugin: if I can make it configurable enough for both ours and Python's,
> then I think it'll be in good shape.)
> However, as I'm sure you'd agree, most end users are better served by
> actual paragraphs of text telling them about the highlights, ideally
> with examples and even links to find out more.  Python has this too:
> each release has a “What's New in Python X.Y” document.
> I think the same model would suit us too.  NEWS files are great for
> people that really want to find out if bug 1234 was fixed in this
> release (that includes packagers and also users that have a pet bug).
> A “What's New” page is great for most users that just want to know what
> the interesting changes from X.Y to X.Z were — which is probably most
> users.  But I think both audiences are important.
> An advantage to keeping these as separate docs is that point releases of
> a stable release can refine the “What's New” doc easily.  And I think it
> the audience for a “What's New” page would be better served with the
> clutter of NEWS's bullets kept out of it (although providing a link to
> NEWS would make great sense, of course).
> -Andrew.

+1 +1 +1

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