[RFC] Home page refresh

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Wed Feb 17 11:13:59 GMT 2010

To celebrate our 2.1 release, I'd like to make a small refresh to our
home page. The current content (http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/) is
looking a little too busy IMO.

The goals of the refresh are:

* Larger font for main text (and less of it)
* Smaller vertical height (so I can see the footer links that I use
  heavily without needing to scroll)
* More space for NEWS.

See http://people.canonical.com/~ianc/home-page-refresh/en/ for my
proposed changes.

Look OK?

The next step is to introduce some scripting so that NEWS is included
automatically from the RSS feed on Launchpad. Unless there are
objections, I'd like to use the feed from the Bazaar project group
(which includes all the plugins and associated add-ons), not just the
core bzr project.

Sound OK?

Ian C.

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