copyright check pre-commit hook

Robert Collins robertc at
Thu Feb 11 01:13:02 GMT 2010

On Wed, 2010-02-10 at 10:33 -0600, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Right. It is harder to review code that has a lot of lines 'changed'
> just because of trailing whitespace. In theory that was why we wanted
> to
> push to clean up the codebase and then force trailing whitespace to be
> removed (in pqm). Robert found it frustrating to have things rejected
> by
> pqm just because his editor left trailing whitespace that he didn't
> see,
> so that got pushed back.

Well, it wasn't just me! I would be happy with a merge-hook that cleans
stuff up on merge, but programmer time isn't well spent doing things
that code can do. (And thats why PQM runs tests :)).

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