Difficulty of reconstructing a branch whilst deleting/fixing a broken revision

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Feb 9 19:07:56 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

>>> On some sufficiently complex changesets, bzr shelve doesn't work
>>> even though bzr commit does.
>> I'm not sure how you got that error, but it's because it was trying to
>> "bzr add" a file that didn't exist.
> So this part sounds like a real bug, then. And possibly an important
> one. I still have the broken repo, and the fixed one, and most
> intermediate states too. I can't share the whole thing publically
> (sorry!) but is there something I can do to help pin this down?

I think I've seen this if the tree root-id changes. Because the new root
would only be in exactly the same place as the old one, and thus doesn't
have a separate physical object associated with it.

I fixed some of this in bzr 2.0.4 and thus also 2.1.0rc? and bzr.dev.
See bugs like #494269. (I think there are other bugs with bzr shelve,
etc. as some things each command has to explicitly check for a root change.)


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