bzr serve and access control?

Josef Wolf jw at
Wed Feb 3 07:43:14 GMT 2010

On Wed, Feb 03, 2010 at 01:41:28PM +0900, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> Ben Finney writes:
>  > Thanks, Stephen. As far as I can tell, the "since it is a server" has
>  > nothing to do with that explanation, which is what threw me.
> "Since it is a server" implies that users are not doing "generic" work
> on the server and do not need accounts on the server.  Thus, Unix
> accounts are gratuitous opportunities for errors and hacking, *if*
> authentication for a particular service can be offloaded onto the
> service subsystem.

Stephen, thanks for your great explanation! You described exactly what I
have tried to say. Since English is not my native language, I would never
have been able to describe it so clearly.


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