bzr serve and access control?

Josef Wolf jw at
Mon Feb 1 20:29:25 GMT 2010

On Mon, Feb 01, 2010 at 08:59:01PM +0900, David Muir wrote:
> A better solution might be to use two separate repositories. One that only 
> holds mechanics, and the other that holds both mechanics and policy.
> The first one public, the latter, private.
> The mechanics repo would basically be a mirror of the private one with the 
> policy bits stripped out. You could automate the process with a post_commit 
> hook.

Well, I don't want to really strip them out. Instead, they should be
replaced by templates/examples so people can see how the policy settings are
structured. In addition, I'd like to merge with this "public" repository in
both directions. And other people should be able to merge in both directions
with the public repository, too.

> It's a bit like your svn setup, but in reverse.

Well, this is more-or-less how it currently works, since I dropped this
svn:externals thing. But "merging" is a pain currently. I guess this will
get better with a DVCS.

But still, people need multiple ssh keys: one key per repository. While I can
easily keep authorized_keys up to date (after all, they are managed
automatically), it is a pain for the user to manage all their private keys and
to remember the passphrases.

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