bzr explorer: diff/qlog to another branch

Olivier R-D olivier.roulet at
Mon Feb 1 08:56:47 GMT 2010


We have had a few discussion in my company about vcs/gui. Mainly about 
moving from svn to bzr. The main argument against the move is that a few 
workers (mainly one :-) ) do not want to miss some features of kdesvn ( 
a gui for svn )
They are 2 main things, both related to the current status of the 
current branch to another branch.
1 - they want a tree like overview showing with colors which file has 
been updated in the current branch (committed or not) and which file has 
changed in the other branch. then clicking on the file shows the diff 
for the between branches or start an editor.  has bzr explorer such a 
thing ?.
2- they want to get a short overview of the differences between 2 
branches  like : "bzr qlog . :parent" og better a "bzr qlog . :team 
branch" ("where team_branch is shortcut to a central repository which 
might not be the parent). Is this integrated in bzr explorer ?

In resume I feel bzr explorer is really oriented about a local 
development environment and does not focus much about showing difference 
with other branches. I would expect bzr explorer to remember a list of 
branches it should monitor for changes and present the changes to the 
users in one form or another.

I might be missing something obvious but then it is maybe not as obvious 
as it should.

btw I am not blaming anybody I just wanted to report some thoughts to 
the bzr explorer developer who seem motivated :-). I am myself more a 
qbzr user (mainly qlog and qdiff)


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