Pushing after merge considered harmful

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Jan 28 08:15:25 GMT 2010

Matthew D. Fuller пишет:
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2010 at 09:43:10AM +1000 I heard the voice of
> Ian Clatworthy, and lo! it spake thus:
>> Perhaps Matthew's wiki pages and/or Alexander's articles can be
>> turned into concept topics and included there?
> My plans are to cover the topics in a set/series of standalone pages,
> without an attempt to fit them in with existing documentation (or
> necessarily each other, except in that some will assume knowledge of
> external info).  Partly, because it's a lot easier to say "I'm going
> to explain this", than to try and do that at the same time as trying
> to make it part of an existing coherent whole.  Doing one thing at a
> time is way easier.  But also as I expect my primary use of it will be
> to tell people on IRC "go read this", and having it targetted at
> explaining a specific thing is a lot easier than telling people "go
> read this section of the docs, and cross-reference with this section.
> Then this section will explain that...   oh, but check this other one
> too, if you don't already know it..."

I'm second on this.

My intent re bzr-day is to write articles and explain bzr as I 
understand it in Russian for Russians. I've tried to translate official 
documentation but this is much harder work than explain bzr in similar 
way by my own words using blog.

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