co-located branches (was: Pushing after merge)

Neil Martinsen-Burrell nmb at
Tue Jan 26 20:13:57 GMT 2010

On 2010-01-26 14:06 , DeeJay wrote:
> After a little more research I can partly answer my own question which was:
> "perhaps do something similar for Colocated Branches? I don't seem
> to 'get' those either.  :-(
> [I've read,
> but still don't 'get' what they are or why I might want to use them.]"
> Elsewhere Matthew has indicated that he is over-committed. So I looked
> around and am embarrased to say that I overlooked the option of saying
>    "bzr help colo-tutorial"
> after installing Neil's bzr-colo plugin.  I don't understand all of it
> yet, but I'm sure what I need to know is in there.

I wouldn't be too sure about that!  I'd be glad to add things that you 
find lacking in the tutorial.  You can respond either here on list, 
which might have the advantage of other people chipping in to help, or 
by private email.


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