Pushing after merge considered harmful

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jan 26 19:57:34 GMT 2010

Hash: SHA1

Eli Zaretskii wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 26 Jan 2010 13:05:26 -0600
>> From: "Matthew D. Fuller" <fullermd at over-yonder.net>
>> Cc: stephen at xemacs.org, bialix at ukr.net, bazaar at lists.canonical.com
>>> How hard could it be to explain the effect of a few commands on a
>>> DAG?  Do that in some orderly fashion, and the rest is indeed
>>> trivial.  We are programmers here, we know what a DAG is, or can
>>> learn in a few minutes.
>> Well, no, actually, when you're positioning yourself as the "friendly"
>> VCS for non-programmer "regular people", you /can't/ do stuff like
>> that.
> How many such non-programmer users are among Bazaar users?  Did
> anybody bother to take a poll?  My guess would be zero.  Why would a
> non-programmer use a VCS?
> If I'm right, there's no need to double the documentation manpower.

It is most distinctly non-zero. The ubuntu documentation group
specifically uses this, and has a significant fraction of people with a
graphic design style background, and minimal 'programming' experience.

It also gets used for versioning office style documents, and people who
are using it to version $HOME (though I believe those are mostly
programmers using it for something else).

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