DVCS where ancestry is not part of the revision-id?

Teemu Likonen tlikonen at iki.fi
Tue Jan 26 07:54:32 GMT 2010

On 2010-01-25 17:02 (-0500), Stefan Monnier wrote:

> Does anyone know a DVCS where the revision-id is only computed from
> the actual tree's content, without paying any attention to the
> ancestry and the commit log?
> This would seem to be a lot better than what we have now, since it
> would make it easy to change commit logs after the fact, as well as
> change the ancestry after the fact.

Git has another solution: create a replacement object (commit object,
for example) and then have a replace table which is read by the usual
user interface tools. The original object remains, only the user
interface is doing the replacing. For example, when "git log" is
displaying commits, it automatically replaces some of the commits with
another by looking at the replace table.

The manual page:


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