Repository problems after bzr svn-import, ghost revisions

John Szakmeister john at
Sun Jan 24 16:08:08 GMT 2010

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 10:20 AM, Anteru
<newsgroups at> wrote:
>> Otherwise, I'd wait for Jelmer's patch to get through. (not sure if it's
>> in 2.1 or not)
> Do you have a link to the patch? Otherwise, I would file a bug so the issues
> with ghost revisions can be tracked properly. For me, the ghost revision
> problems are a serious issue (and so far, the main problem I have with Bzr
> since switching away from SVN.)

The issue with diff was:

That's marked as fixed at has landed on trunk (I don't know if it made
it in time for 2.1 though).

The issue with annotate is also already in the bug tracker:

Hope that helps!


> Cheers,
>  Anteru

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