[ANN] Bazaar Explorer 0.11.2 released

Ian Clatworthy ian.clatworthy at canonical.com
Sun Jan 24 13:24:23 GMT 2010

On behalf of the Bazaar Explorer developers, I'm pleased to announce our
0.11.2 release. See https://launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/trunk/0.11.2 for
the release notes and source code download. A windows installer will be
made available shortly. This release requires Bazaar 1.13 or later and
QBzr 0.17 or later. Bazaar 2.1.0rc1 and QBzr 0.18 are recommended.

Highlights of this release include:

* a more intelligent working tree browser including state-based
  filtering and popup menus

* a location selector which groups objects in the same repository
  together (enabled via a preference)

* more flexible ways of initialising a workspace (and plugins can
  provide their own workspace models complete with custom parameters)

* initial support for colocated branches.

As always, feedback is welcome. I'm particularly keen to hear about
suggestions for improving the UI workflows around colocated branches.
For example, what "What's Next?" actions should be offered if a branch
or checkout is opened in a colocated repository? Ditto for branch
creation, both fetching a remote branch into a yet-to-be-created
colocated workspace and creating a new feature branch. I hope to
incorporate the feedback into the 1.0beta release, 2 weeks from now.

Ian C.

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