Repository problems after bzr svn-import, ghost revisions

David Muir davidkmuir at
Sat Jan 23 04:18:26 GMT 2010

Anteru wrote:
>> I've got the same problem, and the only way I've been able to deal 
>> with it is by adding dummy history to the branch, so the diffs get 
>> run off of real revisions rather than ghosts. Even that is a pain 
>> though, as I can't use shelve, since that doesn't work with ghosts 
>> either.
> So how exactly did you do this? Does this remove the ghost revisions, 
> or is this just a workaround. I really want to get that repository 
> fixed, and if adding dummy history does result in a consistent and 
> working repository, I'd be happy to do it.
> Cheers,
>  Anteru

It's simply a work around. If you diff against the offending revisions, 
it will still throw an error.

Essentially, you should be able to do something like:
for all offending files:
echo " " >> file

bzr commit -m "ghost fix begin"
bzr merge -r -1..-2 .
bzr commit -m "ghost fix complete"

Hope that helps.

Otherwise, I'd wait for Jelmer's patch to get through. (not sure if it's 
in 2.1 or not)


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