2.0.4 and 2.1.0rc1 have gone gold [Windows Installers]

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Fri Jan 22 20:33:54 GMT 2010

On 22/01/2010 2:47 PM, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> So the builds look like:
> bzr-2.0.4-2-setup.exe
>  module		version vs 2.0.3?
>  bzr		2.0.4 	2.0.3 :)
>  bzr-doc	2.0.2
>  bzrtools	2.0.1
>  qbzr		0.14.6 	0.14.5
>  bzr-explorer	0.8.3
>  tbzr		0.3.2
>  bzr-svn	1.0.0
>  bzr-rewrite	0.5.4
>  subvertpy	0.6.9
> bzr-2.1.0rc1-1-setup.exe		
>  bzr		2.1.0rc1 2.1.0b4
>  bzr-doc	2.1.0b2
>  bzrtools	2.1.0b1
>  qbzr		0.18	 0.17
>  bzr-explorer	0.11.0	 0.10.0
>  bzr-upload	1.0
>  bzr-xmloutput	0.8.5
>  tbzr		0.5.1	 0.4.0
>  bzr-svn	1.0.1
>  bzr-rewrite	0.5.5
>  subvertpy	0.7.1

Thanks for this. It should make building the mac installers easier. :)

What does the second column of version numbers mean?


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