Best method to pull *fast*?

Óscar Fuentes oscarfv at
Thu Jan 21 18:35:44 GMT 2010

John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

> Óscar Fuentes wrote:
>> John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:
>> [snip]
>>> We felt it was a reasonable tradeoff, and expected that most places that
>>> wanted to work with a large project wouldn't have a problem using the
>>> smart server. Only to have Savannah then decide to only support sftp and
>>> http... (There is still the possibility to get them to change their mind.)
>> What about addessing Savannah's security concerns, either by proving
>> them wrong or, if they are right, by fixing bzr?
> I haven't seen any posts by them (at least on this list) highlighting
> their concerns. Is it possible for you to point me towards their
> specific comments?

Seems that their concerns about bzr+ssh/sftp bringing in shell access
have been addressed by agreeing on ditching sftp, so the situation right
now is as Stephen describes. Nothing that you can help with.

Sorry for the noise.

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