Release notes 2.1 entry for ‘suppress_warnings’

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at
Wed Jan 20 04:23:41 GMT 2010

David Muir <davidkmuir at> writes:

> The supress_warnings configuration option has been introduced to
> disable various warnings (currently only supports the
> format_deprecation warning). The new option can be set in any of the
> following locations: bazaar.conf, locations.conf and/or branch.conf.

Looks good to me.

> For more details see:

I don't think the reference is really needed (otherwise the temptation
comes to add it to every release notes entry), but have no strong
objection to it being there.

 \        “The industrial system is profoundly dependent on commercial |
  `\   television and could not exist in its present form without it.” |
_o__)        —John Kenneth Galbraith, _The New Industrial State_, 1967 |
Ben Finney

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