Crashing Bazaar with a French Windows system :)

Martin (gzlist) gzlist at
Tue Jan 19 16:05:14 GMT 2010

Yeah, pointed this problem out a while back:

Couldn't work up a fix though, as:
* I think there need to be some quite scary changes to bzrlib.errors
and no one seemed to up for debating it.
* I've only got XP Home, which doesn't allow changing the
user-interface languages, so I'm not in a position to test any changes
I'd make.

On 14/01/2010, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
> What is weird is that Python is calling "FormatMessage" with a char
> pointer, and I *thought* that FormatMessage gets turned into
> FormatMessageW (it does if UNICODE is defined, but I thought that was
> also automatic...) Maybe it has to be defined in errors.c, and Python
> doesn't do that.

Remember, Python is built with _MBCS not _UNICODE - I saw a fix go in
for ctypes at least to make sure it's using FormatMessageW in 3.* -
but that doesn't help bazaar currently.


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