[RFC] How to better assist users in resolving conflicts

Ben Finney ben+bazaar at benfinney.id.au
Thu Jan 14 01:07:37 GMT 2010

Martin Pool <mbp at canonical.com> writes:

> 2010/1/13 Vincent Ladeuil <v.ladeuil+lp at free.fr>:
> > I switch from this/other to mine/theirs as I thought it made them
> > more "personal". When I merge a branch into my current working tree,
> > I clearly know which is "mine" and from there I deduce what is
> > "theirs" without thinking about *who* is theirs :)
> ok

OTOH, the “mine”/“theirs” terminology is needlessly distracting to me.
Often there is no “mine”/“theirs” distinction; they're both mine, or
they're both someone else's. So the terms aren't helpful in numerous
cases, and I think it should be deprecated.

A branch is much more like an object, with “this branch” and “other
branch”. I think that's the better terminology.

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Ben Finney

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