[RFC] Sphinx 0.6 or later will be required for packaging bzr 2.1

Gordon Tyler gordon at doxxx.net
Mon Jan 11 20:25:40 GMT 2010

John Arbash Meinel <john <at> arbash-meinel.com> writes:
> If building the installers requires more stuff to be present, we have to
> make sure that works. I don't think it is a huge amount of work, it is
> just work that I see needs to be done, and will potentially complicate
> getting installers build for 2.1.0rc1. This will also impact the bzr-mac
> people, etc.

To be honest, I'm not even sure if the bzr-mac installer includes the docs 
or, if it does, where it puts them. I suppose I should check. :)


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