[ANN] bzr-colo 0.0.1: colocated branches using present technology

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Mon Jan 11 09:24:10 GMT 2010

Neil Martinsen-Burrell пишет:
>  From within a colocated workspace, the specifier ``colo:branch_name`` 
> refers to the branch with that name in the current colocated workspace. 
>  It is possible to refer to colocated branches in *other* workspaces 
> using the syntax ``colo:workspace_location:branch_name``.  The 
> ``workspace_location`` in this form can be either a path (e.g. 
> ``colo:../other_project:trunk``) or a URL (e.g. 
> ``colo:bzr+ssh://hostname/path/to/workspace:trunk``).

One question: does your plugin supports windows absolute paths? E.g.
colo:C:\work\repo\branch:trunk ?

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