merge and left most parent

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Jan 11 05:50:38 GMT 2010

2010/1/9 John Arbash Meinel <john at>:
> One option was to have "bzr merge --swap-parents" which would merge
> trunk, and then make the 'trunk' revision the left-hand parent.

I'd like that.  I think there is a bug for this (under a different
name) but it's pretty hard to search for it.

> Note that some sort of 'land' command could be easily provided by a
> plugin. I would probably hesitate to add it to bzr's core set until it
> had some time vetting in a plugin.

I think I would expect land to do more than just a reverse merge:
perhaps merge the changes, abort if there are conflicts, otherwise
commit them.  You could do that into a remote branch with just a
temporary wt created locally or in memory.

Martin <>

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