'bzr blame' fails with ghost revisions and 'bzr check' output...

John Szakmeister john at szakmeister.net
Sat Jan 9 11:11:36 GMT 2010

On Sat, Jan 9, 2010 at 3:53 AM, John Szakmeister <john at szakmeister.net> wrote:
>> I think it is mostly about polishing the rough edges and handling the
>> unexpected cases.

One more thing: 'bzr check' shows an inconsistent parent:

:: bzr check -v
Checking working tree at '/Users/jszakmeister/tmp/ghost/trunk2'.
Checking branch at 'file:///Users/jszakmeister/tmp/ghost/trunk2/'.
Checking repository at 'file:///Users/jszakmeister/tmp/ghost/trunk2/'.
checked repository <bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport
url=file:///Users/jszakmeister/tmp/ghost/trunk2/> format
     3 revisions
     2 file-ids
     0 unreferenced text versions
     1 ghost revisions
      john at szakmeister.net-20100109110920-2o7etdw3o064uaee
     1 inconsistent parents
      * 2 at b41ffb15-e730-42e5-b8a5-20245dfbf914:trunk%2Ffile.txt
version john at szakmeister.net-20100109110920-2o7etdw3o064uaee has
parents ('john at szakmeister.net-20100109110920-rsdetf6fzzfyopbd',) but
should have ()
checked branch file:///Users/jszakmeister/tmp/ghost/trunk2/ format
Branch format 7

That indicates to me more the opposite: that bzr-svn is doing the
wrong thing. :-(


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