TortoiseBzr problems

Martin Guillon MGuillon at
Tue Jan 5 13:40:31 GMT 2010


I am facing some big problems with TortoiseBzr and I wanted to know if I was the only one before submitting bugs.

-          I cant push, pull or any command that you can get when right clicking on a directory. When choosing one of those options, I get an error like "bzr:ERROR: Not a branch :" C:/Windows/System32/". I suppose this is something like the selected item path is not given to tortoise.

-          When I get that error, and that I immediately right click again, I get a context menu of a dir that is not under bazaar. If I close and right again, comes back fine. I also get that bug on operations on single files.

-          Is it normal that I only get so few menu items on a file? I mean I don't really see why I couldn't push on a file, or pull...

If anyone can help with those problems, I would be more than grateful. I am currently testing bazaar for our company needs (currently under subversion)


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