Nested Trees

A. S. Budden abudden at
Tue Jan 5 09:26:55 GMT 2010

2010/1/5 John Szakmeister <john at>:
> On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:36 AM, Martin Guillon <MGuillon at> wrote:
>> That s a good news to hear it s planned. I looked at the plugin, it seems fine but it s a plugin...
>> I mean wouldn’t  it mean that all developers have to install it? (not good at all for the admin)
> Individuals can install it in their .bazaar/plugins folder.  I forget
> the Windows location, but there is some equivalent for that.  No need
> for admin privileges (although company policy might prevent you from
> doing this).

On Windows, it's the rather long-winded

    C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\bazaar\2.0\plugins

I've thought a couple of times that it might be really useful to allow
BZR_PLUGINS_PATH to contain semicolons (on Windows) or colons (on
Linux) separating multiple paths.  A user could then have a user
plugin path (in ~/.bazaar/plugins), a company plugins path (somewhere
on a network drive) and an installation plugins path (in the Bazaar
installation directory).  Things like bzr-externals that may be
fundamental to a lot of company projects could then be installed (and
maintained) on the network drive copy.

Just a thought anyway.


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