Operations on server

David Strauss david at fourkitchens.com
Mon Jan 4 13:25:04 GMT 2010

On 2010-01-04 12:48, Martin Guillon wrote:
> And I would like to change it to that:
> Dir1
> .bzr(the repository)
> Branches
> Tags
> Trunk

You want to have a tags directory? Bazaar's tagging support is native
and does not require that. You should aim for trunk and branches.

And, yes, you can simply move around directories as long as they remain
subdirectories of your shared branch storage (the root directory with a
.bzr directory).

David Strauss
   | david at fourkitchens.com
Four Kitchens
   | http://fourkitchens.com
   | +1 512 454 6659 [office]
   | +1 512 870 8453 [direct]

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