No subject

Fri Dec 18 02:33:18 GMT 2009

class cmd_switch(bzrlib.builtins.cmd_switch):
    __doc__ =3D bzrlib.builtins.cmd_switch.__doc__
    def run(**kwargs):
        self.outf.write('Hello World!'\n)
        super(cmd_switch, self).run(**kwargs)

but it seems to me that doesn't take into account the fact that switch may =
overriden by other plugins.  So it seems the result of that may be a bit=20
random, depending on which plugin is loaded first?

Then I also saw this done in the loom plugin:

class cmd_switch(bzrlib.builtins.cmd_switch):
    def run_argv_aliases(self, argv, alias_argv=3DNone):
            super(cmd_switch, self).run_argv_aliases(list(argv), alias_argv)
        except (errors.MustUseDecorated, errors.BzrOptionsError):
            if self._original_command is None:
            self._original_command().run_argv_aliases(argv, alias_argv)

so, IIUC this uses the original command (returned by=20
bzrlib.commands.plugin_cmds.register) stored in _original_command attribute=
tries to run the overriden command and in case of problems falls back to=20
original command, yes?

Is this the more "proper" way?  Does it have to be done in run_argv_aliases=
? =20
I.e. if I'm only adding certain functionality it would be bit more convenie=
to do it in run.

I'll try to update
development.html#extending-an-existing-command if I can figure out somethin=
solid to add there.


Michael Gliwinski
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