Migration from SVN

Anteru newsgroups at catchall.shelter13.net
Thu Dec 31 17:45:35 GMT 2009


we have a project running on Subversion right now. We'd like to migrate
to Bazaar completely, but unfortunately, it's difficult to find out how
to migrate properly. Our server is running Linux, and Bzr 2.0.1:

 * For converting the repository, we tried bzr svn-import, which seems
to do the job fine. Looking at http://preview.tinyurl.com/y9ss3v6,
svn-import is the preferred way (maybe it should be moved up on that
page, it's kinda weird to read the fast-* stuff and then see in the
notes that svn-import is recommended anyway.)

 * For hosting: We are currently using lighttpd for our web-server, and
we would like to use it to serve Bazaar. The docs on running a smart
server (http://preview.tinyurl.com/y8bkeb9) seem to indicate that the
preferred way is to run bzr serve (or inetd/ssh), but it's not clear for
us from the docs how to serve several repositories so that we can access
them using something like bzr://host/repo/branch ... On the other hand,
the FastCGI docs
have information how to do this. Is this "FastCGI smart server" now
smart in the sense of being fast, or does it fall under the "dumb
servers" as described on the smart server page? The docs are a bit
confusing at this point.

 * Access rights: Is there any built-in method in Bazaar to control
access to a repository? Using FastCGI, it should be possible to have
access control right at the server level, but I wonder whether there is
a better way. Basically, we want to have no access or read-only by
default, and push rights only for selected users.

 * What is the recommended way to backup Bazaar repositories? For SVN,
there is hotcopy, what is the best way for automatic backups of Bazaar?
Is it enough to simply pull all changes and compress the .bzr folder?

Cheers, and a happy New Year,

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