Patch Pilot report

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Dec 21 01:03:39 GMT 2009

I'm taking up the patch pilot cap this week.  I don't expect to do
reviews or land anything on Christmas Day (Friday), but before that
I'll be trying to finish things off, and if possible to finish off
some of the old stalled patches.

People who're starting work on a new bug or looking for something to
do are welcome to ask on irc (#bzr on freenode) or here.

I'll post a general reminder that our next release will be 2.1rc1 on
the 21st of January, about 5 weeks from now.  At that point we will
branch off 2.1 onto a stable-bugfix-only release.  Changes that are
relatively risky, or that change APIs or user behaviour will then have
to go into trunk for the 2.2 release.  So if you do have any changes
that deprecate APIs, change user visible behaviour or add features for
2.1 and that are not too risky, send them up now.

Martin <>

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