Add 'bugs' property to xmllog?

Frits Jalvingh jal at
Fri Dec 18 01:06:41 GMT 2009

On Thursday 17 December 2009 02:02:25 pm Guillermo Gonzalez wrote:
> Hi!
> This is cool!
> can you propose a branch to be merged in bzr-xmloutput?
Well- I hope Ijust did ;-) I added a branch:

and told Launchpad I proposed a merge... Hope that's OK.
> Also if you can please add a test for this, or ping me and I'll try to do
> it.
I am willing to try but I'm probably not the right person for that - this is 
my first Python code (it beats "Hello World", not?) ... I will look into it as 
a learning experience though ;-)
> Thanks!
Thank *you* for the xml plugin!! It is mighty useful!

> On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 6:51 AM, Frits Jalvingh <jal at> wrote:
> > Hi Jelmer,
> >
> > Thanks for your response. I modified the code to report the structure as
> > follows:
> > <bugs><bug><url>
> > </url><status>fixed</status></bug></bugs>
> > where the "bug" tag gets repeated for every line in the bugs property.
> > Sadly enough I cannot properly split this into a bug tracker ID and a
> > bug number proper because only the URL is stored, not the components it
> > was created from. And properly decoding the URL into an ID and a tracker
> > key is not supported by TrackerRegistry.

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