bzr pull vs. bzr update

Juanma Barranquero lekktu at
Thu Dec 17 15:10:47 GMT 2009

On Thu, Dec 17, 2009 at 06:08, John Arbash Meinel
<john at> wrote:
> Though again, our standard documentation would say "use bzr co $MASTER;
> bzr up". (And 'bzr pull' doesn't just work there because 'bzr co'
> doesn't set the parent pointer because it expects you will be using
> 'update'.)

I think part of the problem, then, is that this kind of information
seem to be documented nowhere but the source.

> *Personally* I would
> rather make bound branches more first class than trying to make
> heavyweight checkouts act like lightweight checkouts.

This is again confusing; not the difference between heavyweight and
lightweight checkouts (that's clear), but betwen "bound branches" and
"checkouts". You mentioned above that checkout does not set the parent
pointer. But the doc for bind says:

  Purpose: Convert the current branch into a checkout of the supplied branch.

so a newbie (like myself) would expect that bzr brach + bzr bind ==
bzr checkout.

(BTW, this is not about Emacs anymore; perhaps I should file a
bug/request to improve the docs.)


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