2.1.0b4 and 2.0.3 have Windows Installers

DeeJay smartgpx at gmail.com
Tue Dec 15 21:20:51 GMT 2009

Juanma Barranquero reported "C:\...\trunk> bzr update
bzr: ERROR: Unsupported protocol for url
"sftp://myuser@bzr.savannah.gnu.org/srv/bzr/emacs/trunk/": Unable to
import paramiko (required for sftp support): No module named

+1 for something similar here -

H:\David>bzr launchpad-login

H:\David>bzr branch lp:launchpad try210b4
bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please set BZR_SSH environ
ment variable.

H:\David>bzr version
Bazaar (bzr) 2.1.0b4
  Python interpreter: C:\Added Program Files\Bazaar\python25.dll 2.5.4
  Python standard library: C:\Added Program Files\Bazaar\lib\library.zip
  Platform: Windows-XP-5.1.2600-SP1
  bzrlib: C:\Added Program Files\Bazaar\lib\library.zip\bzrlib
  Bazaar configuration: C:\Documents and Settings\David\Application Data\bazaar\
  Bazaar log file: C:\Documents and Settings\David\My Documents\.bzr.log

Tail of log reports -
  File "bzrlib\smart\protocol.pyo", line 1297, in call
  File "bzrlib\smart\protocol.pyo", line 1122, in _write_end
  File "bzrlib\smart\protocol.pyo", line 1089, in flush
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 398, in accept_bytes
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 921, in _accept_bytes
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 775, in _accept_bytes
  File "bzrlib\smart\medium.pyo", line 793, in _ensure_connection
  File "bzrlib\transport\ssh.pyo", line 166, in get_vendor
SSHVendorNotFound: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please
set BZR_SSH environment variable.


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