merging error: No final name for trans_id

Joke de Buhr at
Mon Dec 14 18:07:28 GMT 2009


I run into an nasty bzr merging error which I don't know how to handle 
correctly. I discovered some old posts on the mailing list but they did 
not give a final solution what to do.

I created a branch which cherry picked three other unrelated branches 
starting with their first revision. They belong to the openerp project on 
launchpad and form different parts of the openerp server program which 
should be bundled together but are maintained within individual branches.

I combined the external branches within my branch by merging the external 
main branch then splitting the subfolder bin/addons using bzr split and 
merging the other two branches there. Finally rejoining the split subtree.

If I merge my branch with the external branches to get new upstream 
changes a merge with two of the branches is successful merging the third 
branch bzr emits this error:

$  bzr merge --rep --we lp:openobject-addons/extra-5.0
 M  bin/addons/base_external_referentials/
 M  bin/addons/base_sale_multichannels/
 M  bin/addons/crm_timesheet/i18n/fr.po
 M  bin/addons/hr_expenses_supplier/i18n/fr.po
 M  bin/addons/profile_business_game/profile_game_data.xml
 M  bin/addons/profile_business_game/
UserWarning: ProgressTask(0/2, msg='Apply phase') is not the active task 
ProgressTask(None/None, msg='')
  % (task, self._task_stack[-1]))
UserWarning: ProgressTask(2/3, msg='Merge phase') is not the active task 
ProgressTask(None/None, msg='')
  % (task, self._task_stack[-1]))
bzr: ERROR: No final name for trans_id 'new-7'
file-id: None
root trans-id: 'new-0'

I tracked the merge error down to be caused by a conflicting directory I 
removed from my branch which now causes the trouble. The directory was a 
merge conflict of two identically named directories I solved by deleting 
one version retaining the other one.

Now it's completely impossible to merge with the upstream branch which 
contained the locally removed directory. The external branch does not 
touch the removed directory in new revisions. There should be no conflicts 
or a missing root directory.

I can't even ignore the merge error because bzr stat doesn't show the 
merge. Any suggestions how I can fix the error to continue working.

My branch can be obtained at (120MB). The 
branch which isn't mergeable is lp:openobject-addons/extra-5.0 currently 
at revision 4121. Revisions prior to 4118 got merged initially.

Thanks for any hints.
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