TortoiseBZR 0.4.0 released.

INADA Naoki songofacandy at
Mon Dec 14 09:23:06 GMT 2009

Hi, all.

I tagged 'release-0.4.0' to lp:tortoisebzr.
I'd like to next bzr-2.1 beta uses this TBZR.

TortoiseBZR 0.4.0 changes overview.

* Remove ATL dependency. Shell extension can be compiled without VC++.

* Longer cache process lifetime.
   tbzrcachew.exe shutdowns automatically after 60min (previously
15min) idle time.

* Change 'Delete' command to 'Delete (keep local)'.
   To delete file from both of workingtree and branch, delete file
normally then commit.

* Add command "Run command" (qrun from qbzr)

* Add command "Bazaar Explorer" (from explorer)

* Icon overlay now supports loom and pipeline.

Naoki INADA  <songofacandy at>

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