bzr 2.0.2 ubuntu StableReleaseUpdate

Martin Pool mbp at
Mon Dec 14 08:33:43 GMT 2009

OK, I put a proposed package onto

One thing we identified in feedback is: all changes must be justified
by a bug report with (if at all possible) a clear reproduction recipe
in the description so they can be tested.  Not all of our changes have
bugs associated with them.  It's not mandatory for trunk but we should
check all proposed merges to the stable branch have a bug report.
This isn't something anyone did wrong, just an improvement from here

Those changes are

  * Content filters are now applied correctly after revert. (Ian)
  * ``bzr log`` now read-locks branches exactly once, so makes better use of
    data caches.  (Andrew Bennetts)
  * Filtered views user documentation upgraded to refer to format 2a
    instead of pre-2.0 formats. (Ian Clatworthy)
  * Retrieving file text or mtime from a _PreviewTree has good performance when
    there are many changes.  (Aaron Bentley)
    * Improved README. (Ian Clatworthy)
  * Improved upgrade documentation for Launchpad branches.
    (Barry Warsaw)
  * Retrieving file text or mtime from a _PreviewTree has good performance when
    there are many changes.  (Aaron Bentley)

not all of the bugs mentioned in news seem to be targeted.

Martin <>

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