
Jonathan Lange jml at
Wed Dec 9 20:34:32 GMT 2009

On Thu, Dec 10, 2009 at 1:48 AM, Gordon Tyler <gordon at> wrote:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Jonathan Lange пишет:
>>> I think Bazaar should have launchpadlib dependencies in the launchpad
>>> plugin, and that at the very core of this should be some helper
>>> functions -- a mini-library, if you will -- for doing branch stuff
>>> with Launchpad.
>> I don't think make this lib hard dependency for bzr is *good* idea. It has
>> zillion other libs in dependencies and perhaps there will be problems to
>> bundle it into windows standalone bzr.exe.
> I think there's a need here for a compact launchpad API library which
> doesn't require the Zope, Lazr, etc. libraries. This is theoretically
> possible since it's all just Web Services with JSON serialization. It's just
> a lot of work. :)

I'm skeptical.

It is theoretically possible. However, I think you'll end up with
something that looks an awful lot like the current library, just with
code being included rather than linked in.

As others have implied, I'd like to land Launchpad API support as a
soft dependency.


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