Martin Pool
mbp at
Wed Dec 9 07:13:49 GMT 2009
2009/12/9 Jonathan Lange <jml at>:
> On Wed, Dec 9, 2009 at 4:04 PM, Gordon Tyler <gordon at> wrote:
>> Based on an idea from Bjorn Tillenius[1], I've created a plugin called
>> bzr-lp-branches:
> *Yes*. Thank you very much.
Yes, thanks.
>> Comments and suggestions are welcome. Please also feel free to file bug
>> reports at
> I haven't looked at the code yet, so take this next bit with a pinch of salt.
> I think Bazaar should have launchpadlib dependencies in the launchpad
> plugin, and that at the very core of this should be some helper
> functions -- a mini-library, if you will -- for doing branch stuff
> with Launchpad.
I think we discussed this before, at least in passing if not
specifically as an RFC. I'd be happy to see that come in as long as
it is a soft dependency: ie does not get loaded unless you use
something relevant, is not mandatory to package bzr, gives a clean
error if it is needed and not there, including for tests.
Martin <>
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