Patch Pilot report

Marius Kruger amanic at
Fri Dec 4 10:30:39 GMT 2009

2009/12/4 Martin Pool <mbp at>:
> What I'd actually most like to know now is how this looked to people
> putting code up for review.  Was it welcoming?  Better than before?

yes, its awesome.
Just the fact that somebody is actively looking at the outstanding
merge proposals,
setting a accurate status and nudging others to review/land patches helps a lot.
Having patches looked at in a timely fashion makes getting a patch landed much
easier because you get feedback while the code is still fresh in your head,
which means you can resubmit much easier.

thanks a lot for improving the system so, may bzr benifit many years from it.
<>< Marius ><>

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