Embedding Bazaar into C/C++ applications

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Dec 3 15:28:51 GMT 2009

Hash: SHA1

Brian de Alwis wrote:
> On 2-Dec-2009, at 5:21 PM, Alessandro Bruni wrote:
>> However I'm concerned about memory usage, as if I take this approach I
>> will have an instance of bazaar running during the entire
>> dolphin/konq/kdevelop session.
>> Have you got any experience or suggestions about this?
> I'm only just starting to play with this, so I have no advice beyond the
> obvious of executing the client scripts directly.  
> Does Python's malloc equivalent release memory back to the OS?  (I had
> to reboot last night and didn't think to look at the memory consumption
> of my long-running 'bzr shell' instance.)
> Brian.

It generally does for python 2.5+. In python2.4, for example, PyInt was
allocated in its own groups. And those groups were never freed back to
the OS.

There are a lot of complexities for the python object allocator. But
*most* of the time, things get returned to the OS. (small objects are
allocated differently from 'large' objects,
tuples/sets/dicts/ints/floats all have custom allocation pools, etc.)


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