Reserved Edit Plugin

Simon Kersey simon.kersey at
Thu Dec 3 11:28:48 GMT 2009

Martin Pool <mbp <at>> writes:

> 2009/12/2 Simon Kersey <simon.kersey <at>>:
> > I am developing a plugin to provide Reserved Edit functionality for Bazaar.
> That would be cool, people do ask for this.  If you post it when it's
> started barely working, they will give you lots of feedback, I'm sure.
> > On the plus side the prototype plugin does work.
> Great!  Ship it! 

If I were to ship it would I need to sign the Canonical Contributor Agreement?

I am developing it for my company, but they agree that it would be good to push 
it into the community.  My contract vests all the stuff I develop in company 
time with the company.

Assuming I have to sign the Contributor Agreement, they have looked at it and 
have agreed to let me sign a side-contract to allow me to vest the rights with 
Canonical and any of my rights (ie clause 2) to be vested back to them.  
However at this point something about a sub-licence rears its head, apparently 
meaning I may not be able to do this.

They also want 'reasonable' added to clause 5.

I'd be greatful for any help/thoughts on this.

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