Get revisions affecting a file?
Michael Gliwinski
Michael.Gliwinski at
Wed Dec 2 17:28:32 GMT 2009
On Wednesday 02 December 2009 15:40:08 John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> basis_ie.revision is the last modification of a file (provided it isn't
> modified on disk).
> You can use:
> rev = wt.repository.get_revision(basis_ie.revision)
> To turn that revision-id into a Revision object which has
> "self.timestamp" as the seconds-since-epoch when the file was committed.
I just had the 'a-ha!' moment :) Don't know why but I thought that since a
revision relates to entire tree you have to search the history to get the
revision in which the file is modified. I should have read the API doc of
Inventory and InventoryEntry more carefully.
> A revision_id is a simple string that implies a revision. You can use
> "repo.get_revision(revision_id)" to get the Revision object described.
> You can also use the revision id to get the inventory (tree-shape
> information), and other such objects.
Splendid, got it now. Thanks for the help. Appreciate it.
Michael Gliwinski
Henderson Group Information Services
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