Default performance of 'lp:foo' URLs

John Szakmeister john at
Wed Dec 2 09:44:58 GMT 2009

On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:31 AM, Ben Finney <ben+bazaar at> wrote:
> INADA Naoki <songofacandy at> writes:
>> -1 for bzr+anonymous ssh. Many read only users doesn't know about ssh
>> well.
> Why would they need to know about SSH? This is entirely about what
> ‘lp:foo’ resolves to, which IIUC should mean it's below the user's
> radar how it's actually implemented.

I think what he's saying is that if lp:foo now resolves to bzr+ssh://
for unauthenticated access, then it's one more thing the user needs to
make sure works right before he can pull from Launchpad.  They need to
make sure their firewall allows it to pass through, that they have all
the necessary bits on their system (Windows doesn't have SSH by
default), etc.  Whereas an http based solution doesn't require any of
that, if they can already browse the web from behind the firewall.


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