"Co-located branches" by convention

Marius Kruger amanic at gmail.com
Tue Dec 1 09:10:48 GMT 2009

awesome, thanks Ian!
I think we need to work towards making this the default for init,
branch and checkout?!,
because I think it would resolve a lot of confusion while still being
very flexible and powerful!
I think this scales better than what we have in the use case when
someone checks out something just to check it out and then later
realises they want to start making feature branches.

WRT having more than one active working tree, I think there are
sufficient ways to do it eg:
1) You can make a secondary lightweight checkout as a peer of the main
project checkout
2) I don't believe there is anything preventing you from checking out
more working trees in .bzrbranches/
3) There would obviously be options to do it the old way if you really
prefer this and don't mind the manual overhead.

<>< Marius ><>
ps. pardon all the !s but I'm happy OK.

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